Signal contacts transmit voltage in the fastest/cleanest possible way. Power contacts transmit amperes in the smoothest and quietest possible way. They have inherently different objectives and they look quite different. To get the best results, power contacts need to have the right materials, the right designs, and the right shapes.
DIN connectors are different when used for Signals or Power applications |
Typical Signal spring contact | Typical Power spring contact |
A good power contact will not have a voltage drop due to excessive resistance, or a big rise in temperature due to high amperage. A good power contact will allow for a rapid change in voltage without excessive overshoots or undershoots. A good power contact with a good distribution of power and ground points will prevent ground bounce and other distortions of the power delivery system.
Power contact materials are typically metals that have a low bulk resistivity. The shapes of the components are simple, with cross sections as large as possible.
Each application for power contacts is unique, so the Paricon product line is made up of multiple technologies.
Thin PariPoser® elastomer sheets |
PariProbe® contacts for irregular shapes |
Hybrid PariPoser® for compliance |
Stamped spring pin |
Machined spring pin |
Heavy-duty machined pin |
Power spring pin in a D-sub connector frame |